Videos of nude gay men

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The congressman described the video as “just stupid locker room talk between two cousins that grew up like brothers” and said it was “taken long before I served in Congress”. (Joe Raedle/Getty)Ĭawthorn also addressed the video released by The Daily Mail showing his staffer – who is also his cousin – grabbing Cawthorn’s crotch. My mother was literally in that crowd, and if you think I’d do something inappropriate in front of my mom, you clearly don’t know what a southern mom is like.” Madison Cawthorn addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference. The media thinks that playing a goofy game on a cruise ship with my friends and family means that I can’t serve in Congress. He said the pictures of him wearing lingerie were taken before he was in Congress, adding: “Ask yourself this, have you ever taken a dumb photo on vacation? Most people have. “This article is pushing a ludicrous narrative that I’m some kind of drag queen on the side aside from being a congressman,” he said, before claiming that Politico doesn’t have the same journalistic standards as Fox News or Newsmax. The media thinks that playing a goofy game on a cruise ship with my friends and family means that I can’t serve in Congress.Ĭawthorn went on to address the Politico article showing pictures of him dressed in lingerie.

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